Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 month

11 Books That Shine a Light on Infertility

We pick these items based on the quality of the products, and list the pros and cons of each to help you determine which will work best for you. We partner with some of the companies that sell these products, which means Healthline may rec…

Self-Care for IVF: 5 Women Share Their Experiences

It’s said that fertility issues affect up to 15 percent of American couples. For those struggling with infertility, in vitro fertilization (IVF) can offer another option for becoming pregnant. During this process, eggs are taken from a per…

9 Ways to Give the Gift of Self-Care

Because…’tis the season to be overscheduled, exhausted, and stressed out! Self-care isn’t just a holiday thing — or a winter thing. It’s an all-year, all-the-time thing. Those who have discovered the art of self-care know it’s the one esse…

For Anyone Who Didn’t Think They’d Make It This Year

You survived. And I, for one, am so glad that you did. Health and wellness touch each of us differently. This is one person’s story. The year had only just begun when I heard my psychiatrist, his voice quiet on the other end of the phone, …

What Are the Benefits of Hugging?

We hug others when we’re excited, happy, sad, or trying to comfort. Hugging, it seems, is universally comforting. It makes us feel good. And it turns out that hugging is proven to make us healthier and happier. According to scientists, the…

Why This 15-Pound Weighted Blanket Is Part of My Anti-Anxiety Routine

My anxiety causes a lot of sleeping problems. I set out to see if a gravity blanket would help me get a more peaceful night’s sleep. Health and wellness touch each of us differently. This is one person’s story. “You’ll never believe what h…

8 Reasons Your Friends (and Twitter) Should Never Replace Therapy

Your friends and family might love you, but they don’t always make for good therapists. Approximately 1 in 6 adults in the United States experiences mental health issues in any given year, according to the National Institute of Mental Heal…

Try This: 3 Pushup Variations That Work Your Biceps

What you can do A standard pushup targets your pectorals (chest muscles), deltoids, and triceps. But if you engage your core and activate your glutes, this dynamic move can enhance more than just your upper body. You can even adjust your t…

Baby Acne or Rash? 5 Types and How to Treat Them

Even adults can find it difficult to identify their skin issues. Everyone’s skin is different, and the way rashes and acne flare up can vary. Babies can’t tell you what they’re feeling, so you’ll have to go on looks alone. Read on to learn…

5 Ways to Boost Collagen

What is collagen? Collagen is the most common protein found in the body. It’s present in tendons, fat, and ligaments, among other places. It helps the pieces of our bodies to fit together, and is crucial to the strength of our bone structu…

How Collagen Can Boost Your Body’s Skin, Muscle, and Gut

Collagen is essential to your health You’ve heard it said by health experts, beauty gurus, and possibly even your best friend. Collagen is the new buzzword on everyone’s lips, and it can now be found in just about everything — from creams …

Everything Body Fat Distribution Tells You About You

Everything you need to know about fat types, location, and keeping it off. It’s no secret that having too much body fat could be bad for your health. You probably focus on how much you have, but another aspect worth paying attention to is …

10 Anti-Aging Foods to Support Your 40s-and-Beyond Body

Beautiful, glowing skin starts with how we eat, but these anti-aging foods can also help with more than that. When we pack our diet with vibrant foods loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, water, and essential nutrients, our body will sh…

How to Get Better Skin with Less Effort, According to Experts

The only guide to skin care you need We know more about how to care for our skin than ever before, but with a dizzying array of science-based options out there all vying for a spot on our bathroom counter, things can get overwhelming fast.…

15 Do’s and Don’ts for Washing Your Face the Right Way

Live by these rules for happy, calm skin It would seem like one of the most simple, straightforward routines in the book. But washing your face takes time and attention — and doing it the right way could make the difference between beaming…

What Are the Effects of Not Having Sex for a Long Time — or Ever?

There’s nothing wrong with not having sex Sex positivity is a great thing. In a time when we’re constantly working to undo decades of sexual guilt or shame, being sex positive can be an educational balm for many people and their partners. …

Hair of the Dog: Can Drinking Alcohol Cure Your Hangover?

You may have heard of the “hair of the dog” method for curing hangovers. It involves drinking more alcohol when you feel hungover to relieve symptoms. But you may wonder whether that really works or whether you’re just prolonging the inevi…

53 Health Resolutions That Only Require One Small Change

For starters, you do not have to do all 53 — just one is fine! There’s some powerful “thank u, next” New Year’s energy in the air. Now’s the time to harness those vibes and the hope that comes with a fresh year to become ever more healthy,…

Professional medical And Health Info

Overall health information is the knowledge connected to a person’s wellbeing care document, which includes indications, diagnoses, treatment method ideas, and outcomes. Proficiently getting aspects info integrate things such as motivated …

Medical And Health Information

Overall health information is the knowledge connected to a person’s wellbeing care document, which includes indications, diagnoses, treatment method ideas, and outcomes. Proficiently getting aspects info integrate things such as motivated …